SCMM San Diego County Breakfast, April 22, 2006

Judy and I decided to try out the relatively new Fourth Saturday of the Month Breakfast in San Diego County this month. Since it was somewhat daunting to drive down early on a Saturday morning, we decided to spend Friday night in Old Town San Diego, and get some good Mexican food at the Old Town Mexican Cafe - MMMMmmm! Handmade corn torillas!
The breakfast place was Truly Yours in Escondido. The food was good, the service was great (Thanks Ruth!), and the room was ideal for a much larger turnout than we had. Onl;y eleven people managed to show up, and the majority of those were from outside SD County!

We enjoyed meeting the new members, and afterward, some of us went on a run up Mt. Palomar. A little drizzle and a LOT of fog near the summit put a damper on visiting the Observatory, but we still had fun.

Eleven of us showed up at Truly Yours

More ominous skies over the parking lot

SpikedMike and Erik Sharp chat with new
2-MINI couple, Sean and Angela

Impromptu route planning on Craig's hood

The venue was good

JIMBO Making a point. Sorry I confused
you with Brian, Jim! It was dark when we came in!

Following "Roadmaster" Craig

Unusual terrain

The spring vegetation was nice.

Plenty of twisties

San Diego Chapter Governor Jim Gallagher
led us along at a good pace

Judy's impression of how fast we were going

Nice eucalyptus-lined streets

What's everybody pointing at?

Yeah, we stopped for PIE!

Lined up at the bottom of Palomar's South Grade (I think)

Strolling to the overlook

Beautiful Spring panorama!

Starting to drizzle...

Following Erik home on the 5

(Modified 1730 PDT - April 26, 2006)